Blogs Are The Great Equalizer

Written by Oksana Savaryn

Blogs arerepparttar great equalizer because they simplifyrepparttar 141988 task of adding content to a website on a daily or weekly basis. They make it simple forrepparttar 141989 average joy to add content to their site on a daily basis with just a few clicks ofrepparttar 141990 mouse.

What is more,repparttar 141991 spider search engine companies recognize this and make it a point to spiderrepparttar 141992 blog networks on a regular basis, sometimes a daily basis.

It may take a spider search engine up to three months to spider your site if you go directly to their submission page to add your domain to their database. Onrepparttar 141993 other hand, with a blog, you can put a story about your domain on a blog with a link to your domain, and your website can generally get crawled within a week or so of putting your link onrepparttar 141994 blog.

Blogs Require A Commitment On Your Part

Daily additions to your blog should be your goal. If you do not have time to do daily additions, you should at worst do a weekly addition to your blog.

Just like inrepparttar 141995 real world of websites, if you don't update your blog on a regular basis,repparttar 141996 spiders will save their time and resources by not spidering your blog on a daily basis. If however you do update on a daily or near daily basis, thenrepparttar 141997 spiders will visit your blog withrepparttar 141998 same fervor you bring to your blog.


Written by goldie

For Salacia Oblonga herb Capsules and Extract Write to Botanika : : : : WWW.SALACIAOBLONGACAPSULES.COM Traditional Indian medicine, herb Salacia oblonga may help treat diabetes Posted By: News-Medical in Medical Study News Published: Tuesday, 8-Feb-2005 Printer Friendly Email to a Friend : : : : Herbs used in traditional Indian medicine to treat diabetes seems to lower blood sugar and insulin levels in a manner similar to prescription drugs, a new study reports. Researchers gave extracts ofrepparttar herb Salacia oblonga to 39 healthy adults, andrepparttar 141710 results were promising. The largest dose ofrepparttar 141711 herb extract - 1,000 milligrams - decreased insulin and blood glucose levels by 29 and 23 percent, respectively. : : "These kinds of reductions are similar to what we might see with prescription oral medications for people with diabetes," said Steve Hertzler, a study co-author and an assistant professor of nutrition at Ohio State University. : : Salacia oblonga, which is native to regions of India and Sri Lanka, binds to intestinal enzymes that break down carbohydrates inrepparttar 141712 body. These enzymes, called alpha-glucosidases, turn carbohydrates into glucose,repparttar 141713 sugar that circulates throughoutrepparttar 141714 body. Ifrepparttar 141715 enzyme binds torepparttar 141716 herbal extract rather than to a carbohydrate, then less glucose gets intorepparttar 141717 blood stream, resulting in lowered blood glucose and insulin levels. : : "Lowering blood glucose levels lowersrepparttar 141718 risk of disease-related complications in people with diabetes," Hertzler said. "Also, poor compliance with diabetes medications often hindersrepparttar 141719 effectiveness of these drugs. It may be easier to get someone to take an herb with food or in a beverage, as opposed to a pill." : : The study appears in a recent issue ofrepparttar 141720 Journal ofrepparttar 141721 American Dietetic Association. : : Thirty-nine healthy adults participated in four separate meal tolerance tests. These meals, which were given in beverage form, were spaced three to 14 days apart. Each participant fasted for at least 10 hours before consumingrepparttar 141722 test beverage. : : Participants were asked to drink about two cups' worth ofrepparttar 141723 chilled beverage, which contained zero, 500, 700 or 1,000 milligrams of Salacia oblonga extract. Afterward,repparttar 141724 researchers usedrepparttar 141725 finger-prick method to draw blood samples from each person every 15 to 30 minutes for three hours. These blood samples were used to determine insulin and blood glucose concentrations. The biggest changes in blood glucose and insulin levels usually happen withinrepparttar 141726 first

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